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JetBlue : Avant

JetBlue wanted to create a hype video promoting their new collaborative in-air entertainment system Avant.




1min 16x9



Goals of the project:

  • Create a quick and clear hype video to be viewed on in-flight seat backs prior to take off.

  • Combine minimalist compositions and UI moments to illustrate general features and detailed steps.

  • Keep the pace calmer to allow legibility but remain creative with secondary motion to keep viewers attention.

Design Direction

Working alongside a talented designer, I had the pleasure of bringing her storyboard designs to life. This motion piece required developing a motion system that allowed easy revisions to timing and re-arranging scenes based on client feedback. I developed a wiping + sliding parallax system that could be used between any 2 scenes to continue the momentum from shot to shot. Because it was going to be viewed on in-flight seat backs prior to flight, it needed to keep a pace that would hold the viewers attention while still relaying detailed information with the UI.

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